Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Bunch of Wild Animals

Yesterday was a perfect day for animal watching. The sun was shining, the breeze was cool, and the animals were out in full force. As we drove through the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, it was interesting to watch the animals. Most were content to blend into the background or relax in the sunshine. Some would stand in the road waiting for us to drive up and throw food to them. Some would walk up to the car for their snacks. But the giraffes just poked their heads through the windows and ate right out of our hands!

The animals we saw were largely the deer and antelope type, but we also saw zebras, ostriches, emus, giraffes, cheetahs, and rhinoceroses. And since it is Springtime, there were baby animals out running and sunning. There are two baby giraffes right now -- one born in late January and the other born in early February. To celebrate their births, there is a contest to name them! Go to to check it out.

I loved spending this day with my grandbabies. It's a joy for me to watch them live their lives and have new adventures. They are brave, yet cautious. They see humor, and they are humorous.

I am one lucky Gram.

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