Saturday, April 3, 2010

Looking Forward

There are several things I'm really looking forward to.

First. I'm taking a quick trip to our cabin in the mountains. We've owned it for about a year, and we started a little remodel project in the basement. It's hard for me to tell what's going on with emailed photos so I'm ready to get a first hand look at the progress.

Second. My cousin is coming to town. Yea! It's been too long, and I'm excited to see her. She's really coming to help out her son and daughter-in-law while they have a busy period at work. Her three grandbabies are anxious to see their Mimi, too. I know because I saw them the other day.

Third. Another trip - late April. This one is to visit my baby in DC. There is some disappointment here that my BFF can't make this trip with me as we had originally planned. But she'll clear out some time soon and be ready to go next time. In the mean time, I'll just enjoy the sights and sounds of our nation's capitol -- and my daughter, of course.

Fourth. Another trip. Zipping up to Illinois for my nephew's high school graduationin June. Then a little drive over to Indiana to continue the celebration. This graduate is impressive -- a National Merit kind of guy. And the sky's the limit for him. Literally. He is about to attend Purdue to study astronaut stuff. And there are big astronaut boots to follow there. Some guy named Neil Armstrong is an alumni!

Fifth. One more trip! It won't be until August, but the whole family will gather in Washington State to celebrate another nephew's wedding. Everyone loves his fiancee, and everyone loves to get together for a good time. This is only the second wedding of this group of cousins, and the previous wedding was seven years ago. Here's to ending the wedding drought.

Family vacation home. Family visit. Trip to see family. Trip to see family. Trip to see family. I'm seeing a pattern here.


  1. I wish I could come to DC! I swear I am trying to find a time.

  2. However, I am enjoying playing iPhone scrabble with you!
