Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sew, I'm Back!

Two months of no blogging. Shame on me. Did you miss me? Well, I didn't really think you would. But now I'm back. And there's lots going on in my life. So get ready for a little daily ramble from me.

Exciting news today. I have a new iPhone 4! I've been wanting one and my super nice husband ordered me one. The order went out two days ago. I was told to expect it to be shipped in 5 to 10 days and it was to be sent by 2-day delivery. So the delivery today took me by total surprise! Fun to be me today!

Here's a short trip down memory lane. When I was in high school, I was really in to sewing. Specifically making dresses. One year I made a formal for one of my very best friends, Mary Lou. It was blue and I remember the fabric had a design (something like a paisley?) inside of a wide stripe. Horizontal, of course, for that slimming effect. The design and stripe were raised and a little fuzzy. I don't know what that type of material was called, but it was pretty. Really. Before Mary Lou wore it, I entered the dress in the creative arts division of the local stock show/rodeo. And it won. Blue dress -- blue ribbon. See, I told you it was pretty. Mary Lou liked it, too. And she's still my very best friend.

Now going down (wish I had a better) memory lane. What formal occasion were we invited to?

Although I stopped blogging, I didn't stop Postcrossing. I'll share a few every day until I'm caught up.

Amanda from Alabama sent this card of the Gulf Coast, and who wouldn't love to be right there right now? I know I would. If the card isn't enough to droll over, she writes to me about the delicious loaf of sourdough bread she made that morning. Fun to be her!

Vincent Van Gogh's Vase with Carnations was sent by Tori from Connecticut. Her exciting news is that she's getting married! February 19, 2011 is the day she's waiting for. I remember how exciting those times were. Again I'll say: fun to be her!

Lastly, I've received this pretty card from Galya and you'll never guess where it's from. Here's a hint: she says the weather is beautiful, sunny and hot. Ready to guess yet? You'll never get it. She sent the card from Siberia! What?? I thought Siberia was like a freezer. Guess not. You learn something every day!

Today was good. And fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love learning about you! Kinda getting to reknow you is cool and Sarilyn, you are a very good writer! You make me smile:) Uplifting for sure! God Bless!! Karen Segars Eppler
