Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Christmas 2010 is just a memory now, but what a wonderful one it is.

I went to The Nutcracker this year! Karan and I met Julie, Noah and Libby in downtown Fort Worth for dinner and the ballet. Our grandchildren were the most adorable children ever. Libby had on the fanciest dress, and Noah was wearing his tux and cowboy boots. They certainly made heads turn. And they loved the ballet. Me, too.

The next day Laura and Nikhil arrived, and we had a family dinner at Joe T's. That was one of the only requests that they had made. Delicious, as always.

Then Mom and Dad arrived. More food, more fun. And a lovely Christmas eve service at Lakeside Baptist Church. I'd never visited there before, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Christmas morning was at Julie and Jeremy's house. There is nothing more fun than watching sleepy, but excited children peek around the corner to see if Santa really came. He did! To finish our evening, Mitch fixed us a gourmet Christmas dinner. And I helped.

Now Mom and Dad are home; Laura and Nikhil are home; Julie and Jeremy and the grandblessings have restored order to their home. Our Christmas things are packed up, too.

Mitch and I are looking forward to welcoming in the New Year together. We've been doing that since we started dating 34 years ago.

That seems like yesterday.