In the 4 months that I've been exchanging postcards, I've sent 32 cards and received 32 cards in return. The cards I've sent have traveled a distance of 132,784 miles, and the cards I've received have traveled 136,784 miles. Now here's a little info about the last few cards that have shown up in my mailbox.
Jennifer, from Utah, sends a postcard showing some highlights from her state including the Bingham Copper Mine, the Salt Lake Temple, the State Capitol Building, and the Great Salt Lake - Antelope Island. Jennifer is a career woman who enjoys family, art and photography, boating, and teaching the 4-year-olds at her Temple.
Amelie is an 18-year-old from Stuttgart, Germany who likes American postcards. She sent a card to me that was in a calendar she recieved for her birthday! It shows the Mankind Figure (Maiden) that was cast in 1936 by American Paul Manship. This statue flanks the staircase to the Lower Plaza at Rockefeller Center in New York City.
You might not expect a lady in Knoxville, TN to collect snowmen, but that's just what Diane likes to do. She also likes art, music, and literature. She sends a postcard of the Knoxville Convention Center that is adjacent to their spectacular World's Fair Park near where she works.
Dogs take up most of Marjan's day. She does hunting trials with her Weimeraner and security training with her 3 German Shepherds. Oh, she has a 1 1/2-year-old daugher, too! She lives on the border of Germany and The Netherlands, but she is Dutch. She also likes sewing, cooking, and flowers. She shares a favorite flower with her postcard.
It took 70 days for this postcard from Lena in Siberia to arrive! Lena says that by chosing a card, you show your interests and tastes. So, from this card can you tell that she likes to wake up early, climb high trees, and read? Right now she studies Economics and English, and she is part of a theatrical group that is presenting a 2 year run of "What? Where? When?" Her real dream, however, is to be a translator of children's books.
Petra from Finland knows how to make friends quick. Her card starts out by telling me how gorgeous my grandbabies are! And it's true -- they are. She doesn't have children yet, only pets. 3 dogs, 2 cats. She's studied design and construction painting. They rent a home now but hope to be able to buy one some day. And she has a dream of having a cottage near the lake. I hope her dream comes true. The text on the card translates to "hugs."
That's it for now. But maybe the postman will bring a surprise today.